Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Do you have a plan if you, your family or your cross-town friends get sick?

Do you have a plan if you, your family or your cross-town friends get sick?

What are you going to do if someone in your household, or your entire household gets sick? What about if someone in your family across town gets sick, how will you help them? Consider pulling together your plan for each person in your household along with critical information. Use our free template to help you plan.

Consider the following as a starting point to figure out how you’ll respond and what critical information you’ll need to help your family members and friends, and what information your family will need to help you. For each member in your household, collect and record the following:

  • Name of each individual

  • Household (if tracking multiple households)

  • Household address

  • Cell

  • Email

  • Plan if 1 person in household is severely ill

  • Plan if all in household are severely ill

  • Primary care physician

  • Preferred hospitals

  • Insurance plan info

  • Critical Medications

  • Allergies

  • Attorney - estate, Power of Atty, etc.

  • Power of Atty - General

  • Power of Atty - healthcare

  • Healthcare directive, if separate from HC POA

  • Employer contact

  • Pet care instructions

  • Other

See link for an excel version of the template.

Any suggestions for others on coming up with a plan? Send to us and we’ll share:

Welcome to Corona Victory Garden!

Welcome to Corona Victory Garden!

List of responders and others who need help and/or our appreciation

List of responders and others who need help and/or our appreciation